Monday, September 25, 2017

Borger Here I Come!

Hey y'all!

Transfer calls were this past weekend and we got news that Andrews is being white washed by Elders! Crazy!!! Andrews hasn't had Elders since early 2015. So this weekend we have been preparing our area for them and packing. I am headed to Borger, TX. Borger is up in the panhandle about as far north as I could go. It is about 4 1/2 hours away. Sister Koford is headed 4 hours the other direction to Brownwood, TX. We are both excited and nervous for what lies in store! My new companion is Sister Garcia. From what we've heard Borger is a ward and there is elders there too that we will share the ward with. They said there is a ton of Spanish up there and I am the only one of the 4 missionaries there that is Spanish speaking! Super nervous but also excited for that responsibility. Everyone keeps telling me winter is going to be brutal. I am excited for snow but the wind makes it pretty terrible they say!
We also celebrated my birthday this week! 20! Wow! I seriously can't even believe it! It was good! I got an awesome package from my family! Thanks!! 

We got cinnamon rolls for breakfast and Sister Koford wrote me funny notes all around the house. 

We had dinner on Tuesday with the McArthurs and celebrated early. 

She was so sweet and got my moms recipes for honey lime enchiladas and mint brownies! 

We celebrated with cake on Friday with the Breymans and of course it was above and beyond!

We had a great time at the General Women's Broadcast in Midland. It was such a good meeting!! If you didn't get a chance to watch it you can find it on They talked all about our worth, remembering who you are, and standing up for your beliefs. It was so great!! General conference is coming up this weekend and we can't wait!! Y'all should make sure to tune in to as much of it as you can!
Have a great week y'all!
Hermana Peterson
PS thanks so much for the birthday wishes!

Only in Texas:

Our district:


Monday, September 18, 2017


Hey y'all!

We spent a good 3 days of our week out in Midland. We got to do exchanges with our sister training leaders, Sister Nelson and Sister Lundberg. They are awesome, we love them!!

We got to help a member pour cement in their driveway this week. That was a new experience but it went well!

We had mission tour which was the south half of the mission got together to hear from Elder Dube, a member of the seventy. He was pretty funny! We enjoyed our time with them and the Hales. He stressed the importance of showing people the power of the BoM not just telling them (so giving away an open BoM) so we are going to try to be better about that.

We had a neat experience at a Bible study we went to on Thursday. We are in this small group and we were discussing the questions they had for the study and then at the end the leader of our group asked us what made our church different and so we were able to teach the Restoration to the group of girls we were with! Nothing will probably come of it right now but it was so neat to be able to share that with them!

We got to help out at the last kids rodeo for the summer.

We had branch conference this weekend and had a really fun linger longer afterwards. We had invited a bunch of people and were expecting 3 but unfortunately no one came. We had fun though!

I think about 3 weeks ago they split my ward in Odessa so that is super exciting!! They now have 3 wards and a branch in that building!

Here when it gets 75 degrees I am putting on a jacket, Texas has ruined me! Definitely still been hot here. I think the high for this past week was 106 on Thursday, luckily we were inside at mission tour all day!

That about sums up our week! So sorry we don't have many pictures! Everything is kind of the same now so we're not really sure what to photograph! We got to take a group picture with the Dubes and they probably posted it on the mission instagram if you want to go check it out! @HalesTLM

Love y'all!!
Hermana Peterson

Monday, September 11, 2017

Even the JW's think we are JWs!

Hey y'all!!

Hope your week was good!

This week we knocked into a Jehovah's Witness and even he thought we were from his I don't know why but everyone thinks that is who we are!

We had interviews with the Hales this week so that was good!

For service this week we painted the ladies at the nursing homes nails, they love it! We also helped them walk down to the hospital for a lunch outing on Thursday. We also walked Bill over there on Wednesday and had lunch with him and his family.

We have been knocking a lot this week and so far we don't really have anyone but I have been blessed to be able to use my Spanish quite a bit so even though we don't have anyone we have probably given the Spanish elders about 6 referrals this weekend! I finally feel like my Spanish door approach is maybe understandable! On Saturday when we went finding there was this dog that was following us around for awhile and he even went into the house of one of the people that opened their door to us! Ooops! (:

We tried doing a free lemonade stand to contact people, but only one person stopped!

We had dinner with the Pastor from the Grace Baptist Church and his wife. It went well! There was only one awkward moment. We walked in and of course the first thing we see is that there is only tea on the table #texas #sweetteaislife so of course we had to ask for water...we get the strangest looks for not drinking tea haha! We didn't talk a ton about the gospel but we did talk a little bit about why we don't use the cross as much as other churches (because they don't either). They also asked us why Mormons are so separate from all the other Christians in town and we told them it is because a lot of people here don't see us as Christians.

This coming week we have exchanges and mission tour so we will be in Midland for almost 3 days. We are excited! Have a great week y'all!!


Hermana Peterson

Utah peaches my mom sent with The Breymans to me!
Our trip to the temple with the YM/YW last week!


With Cynthia, JT, and David Breyman

Breymans visiting with my family in Utah!

Monday, September 4, 2017

56 at Church!

Hey y'all! Happy Labor Day!

We had 56 people at church on Sunday!!! The majority were just random visitors but it was so great to have that many people there! 

Well, sorry I didn't mention anything about the hurricane last week. I guess people have been wondering. We are about 10 hours away. Last week we got some storms but some members told us it was unrelated to the hurricane. We are having a gas shortage though. I guess everyone on Thursday panicked because it was spreading from the hurricane sight to Midland so we got a text from our leaders saying to fill up and that afternoon gas prices jumped like 40 to 50 cents in a matter of hours. Andrews wasn't crazy but in Odessa and Midland we heard it was a little insane. Our STL's in Midland had to go to 4 different gas stations before they found one that had any gas left. It was kind of freaky but like I said no one here was freaking out so we didn't run out!

We tried to have a free lemonade stand this week as a way for more people to talk to us but it kind of failed...worth a try I guess! I got to be the caller at bingo this week, pretty exciting, I know! We walked Bill over to the hospital for lunch with his son and we ate over there with them.

We got a surprise trip to the temple on Friday! The branch organized a youth trip to do baptisms for the dead and 3 of our recent converts were attending for the first time so we got to go with them! It was such a great experience!! They all loved it! All of them were able to take family names that we helped them find too!

We had a miracle this weekend!! A member invited their neighbor to church and HE CAME!!!!! They have been answering his questions about the church for a couple of weeks now and he said it all just makes sense. We are not officially teaching Tony yet but he started reading the Book of Mormon last night and loved it and said he is planning on coming to church with the Jeppesens again next week! We are excited to see someone who wants to progress!!

I hope y'all have a great week!!