We don't have a lot of time to write today so sorry if any of this doesn't make sense! We have done so much again this week! We are so crazy busy!!
Monday night we taught Kai the restoration using cups and it went super well! We also taught him the plan of salvation using cutouts and he was a little distracted but overall it was good. We tried to commit him to baptism and he cried....he is kind of afraid of not being able to do the right thing and he is afraid of what his dad would say if he didn't get baptized so we have to address that again tonight. We are planning on extending the date of February 17th!
We had a great time at zone conference! Like all of the missionaries were sick but so far we haven't gotten what they have. Yay! We got Ling a Chinese Book of Mormon! She has already read to page 9!
Friday we had a lesson with our investigator Grace. She is a 74 year old Presbyterian lady. She is sweet! We had a pretty good lesson at a members house who lives in the same apartment complex as her! It was perfect! We then got to see the last little bit of President Monson's funeral :(
We have 2 new sets of missionaries out at the ranch and we had dinner with one of them this week!
We spent basically all of Saturday in Memphis! It was great! We met some awesome people!
We also went out and met a less active member in Lakeview. We are hoping to go back soon to paint his living room for him. He is 83 and lives alone so we need to find a member to come out with us. We taught Adam and his best friend, Wyatt! We taught them the restoration with cups as well! It went great and Adam made him take a Book of Mormon haha! Hopefully he will read it! We then headed to Amarillo for stake conference but only made it to the last half. We then got pizza and sat in the car making phone calls until the sisters we were staying the night with got home.
Stake conference on Sunday was really good as well. They reorganized our stake presidency so we had 2 general authorities there. The Fish family even came!! We also got to meet some less actives in Clarendon on our way back which was good. We saw Adam again on Sunday and were able to go over the baptismal interview questions. Unfortunately it doesn't look like he will be ready in time for the 27th but I know he will still be baptized soon! This is where the email title comes in (: we were asking him if he would live the law of chastity and he said something along the lines of "We're working on it guys! I am right now but I know how I would act in certain situations so I don't know if I can promise that..." Sister Toki, who had lost focus and not heard the answer then goes on to ask Adam how we can help Adam live the law of chastity....lol! Not gonna lie, I wanted to kill her but I was laughing too hard! So Adam's mom life vomited on us this week! Her fiance of 2 years has been cheating on her. It was pretty sad! She wiped her snot all over Sister Toki haha! Then we had that lesson with Adam and Wyatt and then as we were about to leave his mom said she was going to Georgia and that Adam needed to make sure Raysha (15) gets to school....she just left! Crazy! We have no idea when she will be back. So ya, Adam is now responsible for his little sister (and Raysha's boyfriend that lives with her) so ya, now Raysha and her boyfriend are living alone and Adam is in charge of them....
Last night we had dinner at Danna's with Adam and his little sister, Raysha! It went great until the spiritual thought where Danna totally bombed everything.......oh goodness......members are great (sometimes!) It will all be fine but she just forgets that they don't know about some things. I won't get too into it but lets just say she started to read us her patriarchal blessing.....lol good memories!
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