Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Everybody should just take a chunk of Jesus!

Hey y'all!!! It has been forever!! There is so much to write and so little time!! The Library has been closed for the holidays! I love and miss y'all so much!! Seriously so much has happened since the last time I was on!! Sister Wilson left and we have a hole in our companionship!! We miss her like crazy! Sister Toki and I are doing great though! 

We got to have a mission wide Christmas party (that never happens!) that was combined with transfers. It was weird and awesome to see all my old comps again! 

Adam came to church on Christmas Eve and loved it! Weldon came to church on Christmas Eve as well to sing with us! (that's the only way we could convince him to come!) We taught Adam the Word of Wisdom that day and he said, "I am already trying to live it!" It was such a cool experience!! We have since followed up and even though New Years Eve was hard he is still living it! He said, "don't you guys know, the partying stops after high school" haha! We got to go to a Methodist candlelight service on Christmas Eve that one of our investigators invited us to. It was interesting and definitely continued to strengthen my testimony of OUR church! They had hawaian rolls for their communion bread and the pastor was joking about how all the little kids grab the biggest chunks and how we should all want a bit chunk 'a Jesus. haha!

Christmas was AMAZING!!!! Honestly one of the best days ever!!! Of course skyping with my family was amazing!

Next time I see them will be in person! Crazy!! We spent most of the day with a recent convert named Danna. She told us to invite everyone! We had Adam and Weldon there! Adam was even there in time to meet my family! We made cookies, hung out, skyped, ate dinner, and then watched "Meet the Mormons". It was SO much fun!!! Adam said it was one of the best Christmas's he has ever had! We drew him a picture of the first time we met and put a scripture on it (:

We are teaching a new part member family, the Fish family, in Hedley! We are teaching their 10 year old son, Remaliah Kai Nevada Jennings Moon Fish (no, I'm not kidding, that is seriously his name lol!) He is so cute and eager to learn more! We taught the Moore family again and were able to deliver the Christmas presents that were donated for them! We just found out that Sabel and Joseph have already been baptized........awkward! But Adrianna and Jaylene are still on date! We also taught Adam the Law of Chastity! He doesn't have a girlfriend so that's good! haha! He hesitated but he did commit to live it and has been successful so far! We are trying to teach this Chinese couple named Ling and Xi, the only problem being that they don't speak English...still trying to figure that one out! We ordered them a Chinese Book of Mormon though! We also started teaching their son, Lin! He speaks English! I never thought I would be teaching someone who doesn't even know who God is while serving in West Texas but here is our opportunity! He is like a little kid, he wants to know it all right now!

Sister Toki has been really sick so we had to stay in Monday and then we got to go on exchanges yesterday and today so I got to go out but she stayed in. We saw Sue. She doesn't hate us! Apparently she must not think we are failures because she let us come back! She even came to church on Sunday. Getting her to come has been like pulling teeth! She is getting married on January 13th and will probably be baptized shortly after (here now instead of in Dallas). We saw Adam again last night on exchanges and he is still doing good! He moved out so he doesn't live with his mom anymore. This past weekend he actually shared all of the pamphlets with his best friend, "Juan"! I asked him why and he said it is just easier to live the standards if the people around him know! He said Juan didn't like the Book of Mormon but Adam defended it!! I pointed out to Adam that he must have some idea that what we are sharing is true or otherwise why would he be sharing it with other people? (:

Our New Years was a normal day! We got a rude awakening on New Years Eve from some howling cats outside of our window. It was pretty scary! haha! That is the only excitement that we had!

I got to go on exchanges with Sister Walker!!!!! She is the one I trained almost a year ago! It was so much fun! She is doing amazing things!

Anyways, those are the biggest highlights for the past 2 weeks! It has been great and busy as usual! I hope y'all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Love y'all!!
Hermana Peterson

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