Monday, October 2, 2017

There are hills here people!

Hey y'all!

I had given up hope of seeing any variety in terrain until I got back to good old Utah but BORGER HAS HILLS!! Hahaha!! Also there is green things and trees! I haven't seen any in 11 months! It was quite a shock! Borger is good! 

The population is about the same size as Andrews was but this seems a lot bigger. We even have a Walmart! My companion, Sister Garcia, is good! She is as white as they come and jokes with all the Hispanic Garcias that they must be cousins! Her dad is Hispanic but didn't teach her any Spanish so we are learning together! It has been so scary being the only Spanish missionary! I feel like I don't know enough but I know the Lord will help me! Pretty much everybody here is Hispanic it seems like! Being a Spanish missionary is like day one all over again in the teaching category...and I have to do it by myself!! Yay for zebras! (English and Spanish companions together)

Last Monday there was a tornado watch in Andrews so we weren't sure we would actually make it out of Andrews (: It ended up just being a thunderstorm though. Last weekend was insane trying to get everything ready for transfers! It was sad to say goodbye! But, I am excited to be here in Borger! We also cover a town called Stinett, about 15 minutes away.

It has been rainy and cold (ok, so it's only like mid 50's but we're freezing) all week. It poured rain the whole way from Andrews to here when I was on the transfer van. Speaking of vans, that is what we drive! We may or may not feel like soccer moms! It is pretty sweet though! I feel like I am  back in the good old days of my first car, a white mini van!

We had burritos for lunch the other day at this little place called Rosas. When the man handed the bag to us he looked at us and said "this is the mildest hot sauce I have" hahaha! He knows us white girls pretty well because it was pretty hot!

Conference was so good this weekend!! I love hearing messages from Heavenly Father for our days!! My favorite talk was probably Elder Rasband's because I have seen that to be true on my mission. Nothing is an accident. Everything that happens is part of God's divine plan for us! When we were sustaining Pres Monson I just got the most overwhelming feeling that he really is called of God. It is pretty amazing that we are able to hear from him and his apostles! I can't wait for the conference Ensign to come out so I can continue to study them more! If you didn't get a chance to watch it go do it now!!

The work here isn't crazy busy but it has felt so so so good to actually be teaching people!! 2 of our main investigators are Donna and Sylvia. Donna has been excommunicated and so we are teaching her again until the Bishop feels she is ready to fully commit. Sylvia is English/Spanish. She has been meeting with the missionaries for a year now and loves us but doesn't want to stop drinking coffee. It is always hard with people like Sylvia because you know she knows what she should be doing but she isn't and we know she will be held accountable for that.

We were driving and saw this tarantula making its way across the road. Apparently they are common here...ew. 

That's pretty much been my week! Hope y'all have had a blessed one!

Here is my new address! I would love to hear from y'all!

1408 Hazelwood Apt C

Borger, TX 79007

Love y'all!
Hermana Peterson

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