Monday, October 9, 2017

Lake Meredith

Hey y'all!

It has been a pretty good week here! Last Monday we went to Lake Meredith! It is in an outlying town called Fritch that the Elders cover. It was fun! We went on a little hike and everything! It is the most scenery I have seen in 11 months! I don't know how these west Texans are living without mountains and beautiful things! haha! 

Tuesday night we drove to Canyon (just past Amarillo) for exchanges. They went well! We have good STL's (sister training leaders). On our way home Wednesday night it was pouring rain and windy all the way back so that wasn't too fun. It is about an hour and fifteen minutes away. It was raining all day Thursday (bike day) but we luckily managed to get rides to most of our stuff that day thanks to our awesome members! 

A couple times this week we went and helped a lady we know remodel her house. We cleaned the kitchen and sanded down her cabinets for service. For service they have basically just been sorting clothes at salvation army (not very fun!)  so we are trying to find new things to do. The elders went and helped out at a food pantry (or tried to at least) and got told they couldn't come back because of our beliefs. We got applications to volunteer at the nursing home. We tried to volunteer at the hospital but we aren't allowed to wear our tags so that's a no go.

Saturday I taught my first solo espanol lesson! I was way nervous! It went alright. His name is Francisco and he works in Oklahoma so he is only here on the weekends. He is engaged to a LA member here in Borger (Sister Marmalejo). He was super understanding of my lack of Spanish knowledge and super grateful that we knew even the little I do! 

Saturday morning we helped out at the church waving signs for a hurricane Harvey food drive and we got sunburned. Today it is freezing cold though! (okay, so again, it is only like 50 degrees but with the wind it makes it worse (:  ) We had about 70 people at church which was pretty good! The members here all seem awesome and super into trying to help us with our missionary work, especially the Bishop which makes things awesome!! That was about all we did this week! We have zone conference this coming week in Amarillo! We are excited!

Have a great week y'all!
Hermana Peterson

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