Yes, you read that right! I hit my year mark this week! I still can't really believe it!
Last Monday we decided to carve pumpkins! It was pretty fun! Sister Garcia carved "Texas Lubbock Mission" into one and I carved a face on one side of mine and painted the Texas flag on the other side! We had a ward trunk or treat this week and it turned out really well! Only one of the people that we invited came but the elders had a couple of people there! We "dressed up" as old ladies. We painted our hair white and wore our most old lady looking dresses and jewelry and we borrowed canes from Salvation Army!
We had a super good lesson with Ester and Moses on Monday! I feel like they really have a desire to learn and I am so excited!! She is currently Pentecostal and was asking us questions about the gift of tongues and when she was trying to find a scripture to prove her beliefs she actually disproved them. So she found an answer to her own question! She is really interested in the idea of priesthood authority which is awesome because it is so important!
Last week we had a bet with our district of who could get the most contacts. We came in second with 27 contacts and so the elders had to buy us pizza after district meeting because they lost!
We had a really good lesson with Crystal this week when we taught the Restoration. She kept saying that it all made sense and that we were angels and she knew God had a plan for her. Turns out for the 4 years she was in Utah she even went to Seminary and everything. She doesn't remember much though. Then we went back a couple of days ago and had a soso lesson. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't that great. We taught the Plan of Salvation and she seemed more distant. She was still really nice though! We have a return appointment for Wednesday!
We had a little scare this week when I accidentally flipped the breaker by plugging in both heaters at once haha! We thought we broke the oven for a bit so we had to call our landlord but he came over and fixed it for us (: The weather here has been nuts! Thursday it was freezing and there was 40 mph winds (at least that's how fast people told us it was). Yesterday it was in the 80's and today it is back to the low 40's! We aren't ever quite sure how to dress. The best we can do is stick our hand out the window to see what the weather is when we get dressed and hope it stays that way for the rest of the day (it never does, haha!)
I taught Francisco the Law of Chastity in Spanish by myself on Saturday. It was pretty scary but I think it went well! Now we just have to see if they're willing to actually live it!
We had a surprise visit from the Lovett's at church yesterday. President Lovett is the second counselor for the mission. That was the first time I actually met him. He taught our third hour lesson about member missionary work and then we had a really good meeting with him after church. Some of the things he taught us is that we need to work on personalizing the Atonement, "ask and ye shall receive" it is a commandment, our mission is training ground for marriage-learn to be kind and to communicate, and make God'd preference mandatory for yourself. It was super good!
Hope y'all have a good week and a happy Halloween!
Hermana Peterson