Monday, September 18, 2017


Hey y'all!

We spent a good 3 days of our week out in Midland. We got to do exchanges with our sister training leaders, Sister Nelson and Sister Lundberg. They are awesome, we love them!!

We got to help a member pour cement in their driveway this week. That was a new experience but it went well!

We had mission tour which was the south half of the mission got together to hear from Elder Dube, a member of the seventy. He was pretty funny! We enjoyed our time with them and the Hales. He stressed the importance of showing people the power of the BoM not just telling them (so giving away an open BoM) so we are going to try to be better about that.

We had a neat experience at a Bible study we went to on Thursday. We are in this small group and we were discussing the questions they had for the study and then at the end the leader of our group asked us what made our church different and so we were able to teach the Restoration to the group of girls we were with! Nothing will probably come of it right now but it was so neat to be able to share that with them!

We got to help out at the last kids rodeo for the summer.

We had branch conference this weekend and had a really fun linger longer afterwards. We had invited a bunch of people and were expecting 3 but unfortunately no one came. We had fun though!

I think about 3 weeks ago they split my ward in Odessa so that is super exciting!! They now have 3 wards and a branch in that building!

Here when it gets 75 degrees I am putting on a jacket, Texas has ruined me! Definitely still been hot here. I think the high for this past week was 106 on Thursday, luckily we were inside at mission tour all day!

That about sums up our week! So sorry we don't have many pictures! Everything is kind of the same now so we're not really sure what to photograph! We got to take a group picture with the Dubes and they probably posted it on the mission instagram if you want to go check it out! @HalesTLM

Love y'all!!
Hermana Peterson

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