Monday, September 11, 2017

Even the JW's think we are JWs!

Hey y'all!!

Hope your week was good!

This week we knocked into a Jehovah's Witness and even he thought we were from his I don't know why but everyone thinks that is who we are!

We had interviews with the Hales this week so that was good!

For service this week we painted the ladies at the nursing homes nails, they love it! We also helped them walk down to the hospital for a lunch outing on Thursday. We also walked Bill over there on Wednesday and had lunch with him and his family.

We have been knocking a lot this week and so far we don't really have anyone but I have been blessed to be able to use my Spanish quite a bit so even though we don't have anyone we have probably given the Spanish elders about 6 referrals this weekend! I finally feel like my Spanish door approach is maybe understandable! On Saturday when we went finding there was this dog that was following us around for awhile and he even went into the house of one of the people that opened their door to us! Ooops! (:

We tried doing a free lemonade stand to contact people, but only one person stopped!

We had dinner with the Pastor from the Grace Baptist Church and his wife. It went well! There was only one awkward moment. We walked in and of course the first thing we see is that there is only tea on the table #texas #sweetteaislife so of course we had to ask for water...we get the strangest looks for not drinking tea haha! We didn't talk a ton about the gospel but we did talk a little bit about why we don't use the cross as much as other churches (because they don't either). They also asked us why Mormons are so separate from all the other Christians in town and we told them it is because a lot of people here don't see us as Christians.

This coming week we have exchanges and mission tour so we will be in Midland for almost 3 days. We are excited! Have a great week y'all!!


Hermana Peterson

Utah peaches my mom sent with The Breymans to me!
Our trip to the temple with the YM/YW last week!


With Cynthia, JT, and David Breyman

Breymans visiting with my family in Utah!

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