Friday, November 25, 2016

Week 5

Hey everybody!! It is so crazy to think that I am almost out of here! Just to let you know, my next pday will be on Wednesday so make sure you send me all your emails before then! After that my pdays should be on Mondays once I am in Texas!

Thursday nights I always have a hard time falling asleep because I am thinking about what I want to tell you all! I feel like my thoughts are always scattered so sorry if stuff doesn't make sense sometimes! So on Saturdays we get to do TRC (sorry I don't know what that stands for). TRC is when you get to teach real people. So far we have gotten all members but it could be less actives or non members. We had a good experience in TRC this past week. The man we got to teach was super nice, he pretty much taught the lesson, he bore his testimony to us after us asking how the gospel has played a role in his life. It was really awesome, he told us about his mission too. The weirdest part is that we pretty much understood nothing he said, we could tell what he was talking about but that is about it so we just shared a scripture and encouraged him to pray about how he could come closer to Jesucristo. Even though we didn't understand him, we were feeling the spirit so strongly, all three of us were in tears by the end of the lesson. Hna Ramseys glasses kept fogging up so that was kind of funny haha!

On Sunday we had a class taught by President Tenorio, he is so funny. When he teaches it is a lot harder to fall asleep. He mixed in several stories and the only reason I will tell you them is because I am not staying in Mexico and the CCM is heavily guarded. He said "now I will tell you about the first time I got robbed, I say the first time because it has happened many times" and he also told us about "the first time I got kidnapped" pretty scary stuff but it is a testament that God was watching out for him. Both our teachers have 2 wallets and 2 phones so that if they get robbed they will have something to give to them without actually losing anything. It is also so funny to hear him speak because he doesn't know English very well so he always has to ask his counselors for words.

Of course you all want to know about Thanksgiving. It was pretty much a normal day here. In the morning one of our classes got canceled and they streamed the devotional from Provo which was great, Elder Anderson spoke along with his grandchildren. We got a "traditional" Thanksgiving meal for lunch. When we walked into the Comidor they had white tablecloths on and they had some flowers and then we had turkey, corn, mashed potatoes, rolls, etc. Costco came in clutch with the apple pie and ice cream! They also served "American Star" rootbeer which was pretty funny because that is totally not a Thanksgiving thing. Some people made root beer floats and one of the Latinos made it and then as he was eating it he asked us what it was haha I guess he was just copying what he saw us Americans do! Also one of our Elders had to explain what whip cream was and how to use it! I will attach a pic of our meal. It was one of the best things we have had even though it really still isn't that good. After the maestros left at 9 we had a "feast" during our daily planning session with our zone. We all had gone to the Tienda and gotten food and brought stuff we got in our packages to share. We only had a half hour but we all said one word of something we were grateful for and then ate! It was nice because we all are feeling homesick obviously but we really are like a family to each other and it is pretty much the second best place I'd want to have Thanksgiving. One kid even got Martinellis and so after we all said what we were grateful for he popped the bottle and it sprayed everywhere haha! We are not really supposed to eat in the classrooms so he shoved it in his mouth to try to not spill but it just went up his nose.

Something cool I have been thinking about this week is that some of the teachers here came to school here then the CCM before their missions and are now teachers!

My spiritual thought of the week is Mosiah 7:33. Elder Seui pointed out last night that the Lord is blessing us for doing things we should be doing anyways, He really doesn't have to but He does it anyways because He promised He would. We should be diligent and serve the Lord with everything we have because literally we are nothing without Him. He is the reason we even breathe or continue to live. Yo se que Jesucristo nos ama. Yo se que Dios es nuestro Padre Celestial. Yo se que el Evangelio es verdad y usted puede saber por su mismo si usted ora saber.

I will also attach some pics of our roomies we took at the devotional on Thursday and our district at our feast

Te ama mucho!!
Hermana Peterson

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