Friday, November 11, 2016

I'm in Mexico??!!

Hey everybody!!

Sorry about my email last week, my brain was so scattered and I was typing on a Spanish keyboard at the speed of light so if anything didn't make sense or was wrong that is why. Thank you all so much again for the letters, they are seriously the best part of my days!

I don't even know what to tell you all! I just wish you could be here and experience what it's like because I don't know how to fit it all and describe it in an email. Last P day and today we got to go to the Mexico City temple so I will attach some pictures from that. Getting outside the wall makes everything real, we really are living in the middle of Mexico!! Okay so all the partying, fireworks, and gunshots do too but seeing it is even stranger. I never could have imagined what it looks like here. Go look it up on google maps, it is crazy. The CCM is so safe though and it is beautiful and clean here so don't you worry! The temple is seriously the best it is right in the middle of the city and you would not know you were there until you hit the guarded gates which is kind of the same way with the CCM. We got to listen to the session in English, but everything we speak is in Spanish so that was a little tricky but it was fine. I felt the spirit especially strong today. When we were walking out I just wanted to yell EL EVANGELIO ES VERDAD!!!!! Because it's true and el templo is amazing!! We got to go to the Tienda on the temple grounds and I got some scripture cases for my Spanish scriptures for 50 pesos which answers your question mom, yes, everything is dirt cheap here. I think 50 pesos converts to just under $3. We get 120 pesos a week to spend here at the CCM and that is plenty to get whatever you need.

The language is coming very slowly still but it is coming. I felt pretty good now that I can answer our investigators questions that we didn't script answers for. I know it's not just me though, the Lord knows these people need answers and He provides a way. For anyone wanting to know one of the stupider things I said this week, we were practice teaching with our district and I was teaching one of our Elders to pray and told him to serar sus osos instead of ojos. I know the difference now in case anyone is wondering!! We got 2 new investigators this week and I love them both but I especially love teaching Suceth. I don't know why because I have a much harder time understanding her but I love teaching her so much!!

The concept of time here is so strange. It feels like we have been here forever and it also feels like we just got here yesterday all at the same time. We have been here for 3 weeks! That is seriously so crazy! Everyday we pretty much do the same things so that makes time feel weird too. Like I said last week, my district is the BEST!!! I seriously love them! The week started off pretty bad because one of the Elders was mad at me, I won't go into why because it doesn't matter but I still had a love for him, so weird! They can act pretty stupid most of the time but I really enjoy the 15 hours a day we spend together. It is so crazy but when we have to go home at night I am actually sad to leave them even if they have been a little annoying that day. Gym time is the best part of our days usually. We get an hour break from thinking! We usually end up playing volleyball outside. The inside court is always packed and it is usually the experienced players so we like to use the beach and outdoor courts.

This Sunday was emotionally insane, I can't even explain it. Me and Hna. Ramsey were both saying that we think we have felt every emotion possible here.

This week has been pretty rainy. It is like in the 60's I think so kind of cold. I did break out my jacket but that was mostly after I got soaked in the rain storm. It is really hard for stuff to dry here too, I think it's because our casa doesn't really have any air flow. It took my shoes like 3 days to dry.

I have a picture of what we ate for breakfast this morning. It is one of the not so great meals. We have it for breakfast at least once a week. It is another example of us having only a guess of what we are eating. It is tortilla chips with like enchilada sauce and cheese on them...not what I would consider a meal, especially breakfast. Cereal and nutella toast are always there so we never go hungry!

You should all go and study 2 Nefi 31, it talks about all the principles of the doctrine of Christ. It is great!

I love you all so much!! Have a great week!

Hermana Peterson

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