Monday, August 21, 2017

May the Lord be with You

Hey y'all!

Hope your week has been great! Ours was pretty normal over here! Thankfully we got my bike all back to normal! It is much easier to ride without a flat tire (:  

We now have 6 people in our district! It feels like so many more but it's really just 2 more. It is really nice not to have to answer every single question in district meeting! 

Bill at the nursing home is doing great! We ate at a super sketch drive in called Buddy's this week, we survived! It looks like the ceiling could cave in at any second! That is the extent of our excitement here in Andrews. We got to help out at the rodeo again so that is always a great service opportunity! 

The most eventful thing in Andrews was our lessons with our investigator Lynn. Lets just say there was about a dozen cuss words said in the chapel on our church tour haha! Gotta love Texas! On Sunday she walks in the chapel with a Star Wars shirt that says "May the Lord be with you", a giant cross necklace, and a bunch of "WWJD" bracelets.  At least she came though! Hopefully we will be able to see some progress with her this week!

It has been a little bit cooler temperature wise but it has been humid, it always looks like it is going to rain but then doesn't actually rain, just teases us. I think there was about 45 people at church, a record since I have been here! It was nice to actually have people at church! One of the members had us over for a discussion in their home with their friend so hopefully he will turn into an investigator.

We hadn't heard anything about the eclipse here and had totally forgotten about it until we were grocery shopping and some lady mentioned it. On our way home we could see it through our sun glasses a little bit but not much. We saw people along the side of the road trying to see it, one guy even had his welding mask!

Hope y'all have a blessed week!

Read and pray every day!
Hermana Peterson

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