Monday, May 15, 2017

Skype Home!

Hey y'all!
Obviously the highlight of the week was when we got to Skype home yesterday! It was so good to hear and see my family! 

This week was kind of crazy. On Tuesday and Wednesday we were up in Midland for exchanges (being trained by other missionaries). It is always good to see what other areas are like. On our way home we stopped at Whataburger for the first time which apparently is a huge thing here in Texas.

We got to see Savechi (not teach a lesson though because his dad is NEVER home). It was really cute, we have given him the 3 main pamphlets to read and we asked him what one thing he learned was and he told us "I learned that Jesus got baptized in the water". He told us he doesn't have any questions because "it just all makes sense." Haha! He is so cute!

We got to do a service project with some girls in our ward tying fleece blankets so that was really fun! They are all so funny and we love them!

The Young Women made jam at their activity this week and gave some to us. It turned out really good!

We got to have lunch with Sister Lincoln, Carlos, and her granddaughter Charlotte. It was so fun! We went to a good Mexican restaurant called Mamasita's.

Yesterday was the hottest day yet! It stayed at 98 degrees all day! It is crazy!!

That is about all I can think of for this week! Hope y'all are doing well! Read and pray everyday!!!

Love ya!
Hermana Peterson

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