Monday, April 17, 2017


Well, I guess I better first explain my title! We are never really sure what to title our emails! It came from an interesting comment we got yesterday at church. Sister Walker and I were both wearing yellow and some guy from church told us we looked like twinkies. Who says that??!! haha!! Oh well, twinkies it is! 

We got several weird comments this week! One of the other ones happened at the food bank when a 14 year old boy asked us "do you guys kill people?" do we look like we kill people??!! haha! The only reason we can come up for him asking that is that we had our planners out talking about who we were seeing that day. Us and the elders explained that we teach people about Jesus to which he replied "so that is like the opposite!" Yes indeed that is the opposite of killing people!

No real update on any one of the investigators I have told y'all about :( We did have an amazing Plan of Salvation lesson with one of our new investigators, David. David is from Ghana and said his home is full of Latter-Day Saints! He didn't really know about what we believed so we shared the restoration with him and came back on Saturday with a member to teach the Plan of Salvation. It is the best feeling ever when people actually ask genuine questions!!!! We teach him on the benches in our courtyard (yes, the same ones that gave Hermana Walker the staph infection haha!) And it is starting to get pretty hot here! I had a shirt on with a cut out on my neck and my hair was up so after that lesson I had a pretty nasty sun burn! And a red circle on my neck from the cutout! First sunburn of the mission of many I am sure!

Another funny experience we has was with some less actives (they have come to church the last 2 weeks!!!) Sergio and Xiao. He is quite the character! He does not stop talking about the most random stuff! We had a lesson and I was saying a closing prayer. I started off something like "our dear kind Heavenly Father" and he proceeded to blurt out "well that was quite the intro!" so Hermana Walker and I were trying to control ourselves! I continue on with the prayer and mention their names and he whispers "that's us!". We were laughing so hard after that lesson!

Easter was great! Obviously we saw a lot of extra people come out to church which was awesome! We had dinner with a family, The Browns, they fed us really well and then on our way out the mom followed us out and she told us she needed our help. We got to help fulfill a tradition they have! She said they usually let the kids do it to us but instead we got to do it to them this year! I can't remember the name but it is a Mexican tradition where you break eggs full of confetti on their heads. It was super fun! Sister Walker and I also dyed Easter eggs last night.

This morning we went to the number one tourist site in Odessa again! The Stonehenge replica here on the UTPB campus and took some pictures!

That is about all I can remember from this week! Hope y'all had an amazing Easter! Don't stop sharing #princeofpeace!! Have a great week!

Hermana Peterson

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