If Texas summer doesn't kill us....I don't know what will! It is getting pretty hot here lately!! And it isn't even summer yet! The average from what everyone has told us is around 110 and from what we know this week was only the 80's. Also, the bugs here are nasty. I have about 8 giant bug bites all over my legs. Don't worry y'all, I still love Texas! Also, this week we found out that we are getting about 500 less miles than we were planning, so basically we have to bike everywhere or get a ride. It sure makes for some great adventures!
Well, Jessie is in prison. It is unfortunate but we are glad that she wasn't able to be baptized before. We are going to try to go visit her sometime this week and someone in the ward is going to order her some scriptures so that is awesome! She will be in prison for 4 years but I know she will be baptized one day!
One of the people we are meeting with right now is an excommunicated member. He is hilarious! Sister Walker accidentally offended him by saying that she didn't want his food (meaning that she didn't want to take it so that he could have it) so then we told him we would come back another time to have dinner with him but we have dinner appointments all the way through like the second week of May. He didn't believe us, so he was comparing our planners and he wrote comments next to each person we had scheduled like "heathen" and "soon to be convert heathen" and "fed by heathens". His conversion story is way cool and that is one of the times I have felt the spirit the strongest. He definitely recognizes the spirit so now we just have to help him realize that he now has to act on it!
We got to go play volleyball with the ward this week and that was super fun! One of our investigators Alison was there and she LOVED it!
Yesterday we had 3 solid appointments, they never cancel! We were going to commit all of them to baptism and they were all going to accept so of course Satan had to intervene. 2 of them got the stomach flu and one started a new job. I think everyone in Odessa has some sort of stomach bug, not us though! Anyways, we rescheduled and will commit all of them to baptism this week! (Alison, Taylor, and David)
So as missionaries people tell us everything. Sometimes it is hard to have everyone's life stories in our brain. It is so crazy the things people tell us within the first couple of minutes of meeting us! Anyways, we call it life vomit. When someone was life vomiting on us this week her daughter came out and real vomited on sister Walker! Poor Sister Walker took it like a champ though! Luckily it was our last house for the day! We helped the daughter clean up and then got to go home to clean Sister Walker up!
All in all it was another crazy and weird and great week here in Odessa, Texas! Who would have thought a year ago I would be in the middle of nowhere Texas knocking on peoples doors trying to share the gospel! The Lord is watching out for each one of us! As we follow the Spirit we will be kept safe and always be where we are supposed to be!
Have a great week y'all!!!!
Love ya!!!
Hermana Peterson
We took Stacey, our neighbor, treats for Easter. So she gave us key chains as a thank you.
Everyone needs PEACE of Pizza!
Weather to avoid in Texas, land spouts. They were reported in our area recently.
Biking to our dinner appointment