Monday, February 27, 2017

I am Training?!

Hey y'all!
This week has been crazy! It has felt so long but we have done a lot of good things!

We had our last district meeting which was sad, in the past 12 weeks of working with these people I really have grown to love and appreciate the service they do as missionaries. I will sure miss all of them!

I feel like there is so much to write but not sure how to write it all. We got 5 new investigators this week, that is crazy!! And, we had THREE at church!! That really is such a huge miracle!! They all enjoyed it, participated, and felt the spirit! They were Taylor, Jessie, and Ebb. One of our other new investigators is Alison, she is a part member family who moved in about a month ago. She has been coming to church every week (but she just actually became an investigator this week) but wasn't able to because she was up all night with her newborn. I am excited to be able to work with her more! She is so ready but we just have to work some things out with her husband so hopefully everything continues to go smoothly with her. We got to meet the man that Taylor just moved in with, and are hoping to be able to invite him to take the lessons too!

The biggest news of the week was obviously transfers! Saturday night we found out that our area is being split (we assumed that was coming) and that Sister Acosta is moving to Monahans! I am sad for her to leave but I am glad that I will be staying! I will be training another sister straight from the MTC! That is so crazy!! I just finished my training yesterday and will start her training tomorrow! I am excited to meet Hermana Walker. Like I said, there is a lot more but those are the highlights of the week. I hope y'all are safe and happy!
Have a great week!!
Hermana Peterson

Tostadas for lunch and training.

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