Well transfer calls were last night......I am super excited because Sister Toki and I get to stay but super duper sad because Sister Wilson is leaving us :( Last night was rough. They called us pretty early in the night. I have never seen someone cry as much as she did she was bawling and shaking and we were up way way late. Childress won't be the same without her!! She will be going back to Lubbock (she has served more than half her mission there) to the college park YSA ward. Only a few bad words were spoken....also Elder Dilling is the one who called and gave us the news...haha! So needless to say that is who Sister Wilson took it out on last night and said that he is a child of the devil. (don't worry, she doesn't really think that she is just saying that haha! she will cool off eventually. I think if she ever had to see him again she might punch him so it is a good thing he goes home today!) I have absolutely LOVED this transfer! It was truly inspired and I will love and miss sister Wilson! I also found out that they are closing my last area, Borger North :( So we will now be a 4 person district.
Tuesday was kind of a rough day. We got told we were failures and flunks of missionaries by our investigator Sue. She kind of hates us now. We "embarrassed her by asking her questions about what we taught in front of her fiance" even thought we explained that we were only asking questions to make sure we taught correctly and that she understood. She is not ready for baptism but thinks she is. It is such a hard situation!!
Thursday we went to a Church of Christ service. It was really good! It was just a bunch of singing gospel songs. My companions : "if I wasn't Mormon I would definitely be Church of Christ!" haha!
We finally did it y'all!! In the missionary hand book it talks about if you have too many appointments too handle then you can do splits with the members. We always laugh so hard at that phrase because we never thought we would be there but the last 2 days I have gone on splits with a member to teach Adam because Sister Wilson and Toki were teaching someone else!! It was such a neat experience! It finally happened!!!! By the way Adam is still the most prepared person I have ever met!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!! He still is trying to see answers to his prayers but we just keep encouraging him to be patient. Sometimes we just want everything to be in our timing though! Adam wants so badly to receive an answer!!!
Saturday we had an awesome Branch Christmas party!! We went caroling at the nursing home then had dinner and watched the nativity and then we went on a hay ride to see the lights at the park. It was SO AWESOME!!!!! We had 3 investigators there (Weldon, Elizabeth, and Tommy) and 3 less actives (sister Mayhugh, Mikey, and Ansley) too!!
I am over the moon excited that I get to stay here another transfer! I totally understand why sister Wilson was devastated! These people have my whole heart!!!! I am truly praying that I get to finish my mission here!!!
Love y'all!!
Hermana Peterson