Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! We have had another amazing and so insane week! Tuesday we got 3 new investigators!!!! We were out in Memphis after district meeting and we went to stop by a part member families house, the Moores, and the member wasn't there but her son, daughter, and daughter-in-law were there. It was such a miracle! Her daughter, Sabel, came to church a couple of weeks ago with another family so we knew she might be interested. The night we were there the son and daughter in law, Joseph and Adrianna, were moving in and we weren't sure what their opinion of the church was so we were pretty nervous but Sister Toki was amazing and so bold and asked them if they would meet with us and they all said YES!!! It was so cool! They had met with missionaries before but it was hard with their work schedule but they just moved and aren't working so they have plenty of time and seemed very interested! Now the trick is just getting out to Memphis to see them! We also taught a solid investigator Adam while we were out there. HE IS THE BESTEST!!! He is a 19 year old guy who is trying to see if God is even real. We have had so many cool experiences and miracles with him!! Just last night he texted us apologizing for not coming (he had work) and asked how our talks went. He also said he loved the chapter we left with him AND (drum roll please.......) HE PRAYED!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously can't describe our excitement!!!! (: This has been such a cool experience!
Wednesday morning we went to the Quanah hospital to help make some Thanksgiving meals for people in the community. It was pretty fun! We were there with 4 service missionaries from the Triangle Ranch (church ranch in Paducah) and 2 elders from the Oklahoma City mission that were close. We mixed stuffing, cut turkey, scooped cranberry sauce, and cut pies!
On Thanksgiving we had lunch at the Methodist church and also lunch with a member family, Mark and Marilyn Keys. I played football for the first time ever. All the 9 year olds were better than us but they let us win! LOL! Our neighbor also invited us over for pecan pie (a delicacy here (: )!
We committed our investigator Bill to baptism!!! (yes the one who asked if sister Wilson was single, don't worry we cleared that up ;) ) He committed to be baptized on December 30th and he has already started inviting his family!!
Saturday we ended up having to stay in all day because sister Wilson got pretty sick. It is much funner when you are in a trio haha! We got lots of studying in and we watched Meet the Mormons and I straightened sister Tokis hair. She says I have done better than any other white girl so I guess that is a success haha!
On Sunday we all spoke in church and it went well! We are totally gaining the trust of the members, it is so awesome!! Our branch president had the branch mission leader report on our work in Priesthood and he said that the men started to get teary eyed because they have been praying and fasting for missionary work for so long!
Tonight we are going to drive to Amarillo for zone conference and then we will drive to Canyon for exchanges so we will be gone for most of the week.
Have an amazing week!!
Love y'all!!
Hermana Peterson