I get to stay in Andrews for at least 7 more weeks! Unfortunately I don't get to stay with Sister Christensen though. My new companion will be Sister Koford. She will get here on Tuesday! Sister Christensen is headed across the border to Artesia, New Mexico.
This week we did a blitz (our STL's came down to help us out for the day so we could cover more ground). We were able to find 3 new investigators which was such a miracle!! One of them is a referral we received from one of the summer sales Vivint ladies who is a recently returned missionary. His name is Billy and apparently he is a former investigator. We have seen him once but hopefully we will see him again this week! Another one is named Abigail. Abigail works with one of our branch members. He owns his Chiropractic office and he has a BoM out and she has been looking at it recently. She really looks up to the member and his family so we can't wait to go back and teach her more!
I don't think I told you last week but we found this awesome older man named Bob. We knocked into him and he asked us if he would know his wife after this life. Of course we were beyond excited to teach and testify that YES! He can see her and will know her again! We went back this week with a member and taught the whole plan of salvation. Unfortunately, he probably has Alzheimer and isn't going to remember any of it but we are praying that that is not the case!
We did yard work for Brother McMahan this week. He finally let us help! He was hilarious! He would show us that we need to cut the weeds down with the weed whacker and then you have to tilt it down to kill the root! He is just trying to kill his grass because he doesn't want to have to mow it haha!l
We had 32 people at church this week! 2 were visitors from the stake though. More people should be in town next week so we are looking forward to a full house!
Have a great week y'all!!
Read and pray everyday!!!!!!
Hermana Peterson
PS. Also we got to help out at the little kids rodeo! It was so much fun! I just ran flags back and forth and tipped barrels back up if they knocked them over. Sister Christensen was keeping time.