Unfortunately no baptism for Jessie this week :( She passed her interview and everything was all set up and then she started a job this week and she had to work Sunday so she couldn't be confirmed on Sunday and since next week is general conference she would have had to wait like 3 weeks to be confirmed which isn't good. Hopefully she can get the next weekend off, we are temporarily scheduled for April 8th.
So as sisters we get called lots of different things. I have been called "elder-ettes" "the girl elders" "church ladies" but this week we got a new one! "the holy sisters". "Mom! The holy sisters are here!" you would think something like that came from a cute 5 year old but it was from a 20 year old guy.
Another insanely windy week. One of the worst I have seen yet! Another week where we had to pedal as hard as we could just to go down the only "hill" in Odessa (the freeway overpass). There was so much dust in the air and we were caked in it by the end of the day you could just touch us and be muddy! Our hair was quite the site as well! It is the funniest thing ever to try to watch the birds fly, they were having the hardest time ever and just give in to walking!!! They can barely walk either because it is so strong!
We had zone conference this week and got a sneak preview of the Easter video that comes out on Friday!! It is so good and y'all need to look it up Friday morning first thing. Everyone needs to share it!!! I would love to hear what y'all think of it as well! It is called Prince of Peace and they are coming out with 8 principles of peace along with it. It is going to be another amazing initiative! After zone conference one of the senior couples, the Caytons, took us out to this really Texan bbq restaurant, it was so sweet of them!
That is about everything I can remember from this week!
Hope y'all have a good one!
Love ya!!
Hermana Peterson
The challenges of biking in the wind: