I hope y'all are doing great! This week has been a little better than the last!
Sadly, we found out that our only progressing investigator who we thought was moving in alone is actually moving in with some other guy so that was not the best news. She is still the most solid investigator we have though. She really wants to be baptized and is doing everything she has to except for living alone. It is hard to help her understand how that is possible because she is a single mom and is about to have another baby next month so she is currently not working.
My bike got here this week! Since mine had been on back order I had been borrowing one from Lubbock. It got here Tuesday and one of our district leaders put it together that night and we came to their apartment Wednesday to get it. When I tried it out I went to turn and somehow when you turn the handlebars it hits the pedals (no that is not supposed to happen) so I asked him what was wrong and he said he had no idea but it was really hard to put on and he had to take apart the whole brake system to get the front tire on (no you are not supposed to do that). I had to get the tires pumped up so I went to one of our members houses who knows about bikes and when he filled it up I asked him and he said the front wheel was on backwards. The Elder that put it together was so mad when he found out. So Brother Stromberg had to re-take apart the brakes Elder Wilkins took apart so that he could flip the wheel around. Luckily he knew what was wrong and was able to fix it really quick while he was on his lunch break and his wife even made us lunch! The members here are great! Since I now have my own bike with lights and everything we were able to bike all day which was kind of crazy. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though! Luckily the weather on Thursday was super nice!
That night a member took us out to eat at a steak house and it was soooo good! I got a chicken fried steak that was literally bigger than my head!
We tried a bunch of people Friday but only one person let us in. We knocked on his door and were really confused and concerned when he let us in immediately because that doesn't happen. The first thing he said was "did they not warn you about me?" turns out he has met with missionaries before and he knows a lot of the members in that neighborhood. He is a Lutheran Minister and loves to talk about religion and hear what we have to say but not willing to change.
Friday night it actually started to snow!! (remember how I said Thursday the weather was super nice? that's Texas for ya!) It got cold and flurried and snowed hard for a couple hours but nothing stuck. I thought for sure we would wake up to snow but we didn't.
Saturday night we got a text about a referral, as soon as Sister Acosta read the name I recognized it as one of the people we help out at Catholic Charities! We were super excited and we called him right up and set up an appointment. The appointment went alright but we had to teach at the door because there wasn't a woman there and he was having a hard time standing so we are hopefully coming back this week. He really likes to get off topic but I see some potential in him!
We got a new zone leader and he is from Australia so that is cool!
We have been trying to find new people to teach so we have been trying a bunch of formers and not many of them answered but we tried some of their neighbors and one of them said he was making lunch but that we could come back in half an hour (that doesn't ever happen!) We did and we were able to have a great lesson, I am excited to go back and see him again!
Luckily the mouse I referred to was not in our house but that of one of our investigators. We were sitting there teaching about the priesthood when I glanced up to see a mouse sitting in her kitchen, not scared one bit. I was terrified but of course I didn't say anything. It just scurried around the kitchen for the next few minutes. When we got out of the lesson I asked sister Acosta if she had seen what I saw and she said she did. Ewwwww! Sister Acosta then informed me that that was not the first mouse she had seen, apparently she sees them at one of the less active peoples house we visit but she didn't say anything so I wouldn't freak out. I guess I will just have to be careful where I step from now on!
Well, that about sums up my week! For those of you wondering, we have not gotten to watch the misisonary broadcast yet (we will at zone conference in 2 weeks) so we will not be making any schedule changes until then.
Thanks for all your love and support!
Hermana Peterson